
mike reilly

"For the past week, I have been using the Focus IQube while studying for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test). I took 5 practice tests over the course of 6 weeks prior to using the Focus IQube. My scores on these 5 tests were; 530, 500, 590, and 550. I was beginning to think I was not smart enough to be admitted to a top tier business school. I then added the Focus IQube to my study regimen. I took two more practice tests and received a 670 and a 650; with 640 being my score on the real exam. The addition of the Focus IQube to my study program improved my focus and allowed me to study longer hours. Additionally my desire to take breaks deceased, and I felt as if the quality of my study sessions increased." Mike Reilly, Senior, SUNY, Red Dragons Ice Hockey, Goalie

Hard-hitting sports hold dangers for teen athletes. More than 300,000 concussions occur every year. A study published in August in the journal Pediatrics found that concussion, a brain injury caused by a blow to the head, is common in young athletes, sending about 250,000 children between ages 8 and 19 to emergency rooms from 2001 through 2005.

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The frontal lobes are considered our emotional control center and home to our personality. The frontal lobes are involved in planning, motor function, problem solving, spontaneity, memory, language, initiation, judgment, impulse control, and a variety of "higher cognitive functions" including behavior and emotions. The frontal lobes are extremely vulnerable to injury due to their location at the front of the cranium. MRI studies have shown that the frontal area is the most common region of injury following mild to moderate traumatic brain injury.

In Alzheimer's disease a sign of frontal lobe damage might be seeing someone do the same thing over and over again as folding a cloth, putting a shoe on and off or repeatedly picking or touching something with no purpose. The left (logical) and right (intuitive) brain hemispheres when "balanced" and working together can optimize health and performance of the mind and body. in a traditional public school system, the chances are high that the left side of your brain has received much more attention and exercise than the more creative and intuitive right side.

Over the last 20 years we have gathered information from hundreds of thousands of voice samples and brain maps. We’ve worked with children who had various learning disabilities and over the years came to the same conclusion as Dr. Makoto Shichida, world renowned founder of over 350 Preschool Child Academies in Japan who teach the importance of right brain stimulation. Our Focus IQube targets the Frontal Lobe and encourages more left - right hemisphere communication. The Focus IQube has a soothing white noise ocean wave program with our proprietary frequencies embedded.

Hard-Hitting Sports Hold Dangers for Teen Athletes
More than 300,000 concussions occur every year. A study published in August in the journal Pediatrics found that concussion, a brain injury caused by a blow to the head, is common in young athletes, sending about 250,000 children between ages 8 and 19 to emergency rooms from 2001 through 2005. Add a lifetime of left brain stimulation during our formative years at home and school and you will discover how naturally occurring development problems can affect the brain. This information is but one of the many reasons we feel the Focus IQube will be of benefit to everyone.

This morning I was still in the sleeping state when you guys called. I was in the waking sleeping state. I feel really refreshed, feeling very positive, really good. I haven't felt balanced together like this in a long time. Feeling good is good, I love the Focus IQube.

How can one make it clear to someone else what is happening. These are not just empty words or words. This is actually a living realization and state of awareness. A state of beingness. My brain feels like it woke up from this deep slumber, or deep state, a dormant state. Again, not just words. Actually being in this moment realizing this exciting transformation as I type this great News to both of you. Unbelievable. WOW !!! I feel fantastic.

My body feels lighter, clearer, joyous, happy, young, energized. What is so amazing is that after all these years of living my life as a conscious being. I had accepted the changes that I was experiencing in my brain was due to being older. well, hurray !!! not any more. I always want to feel like this. This is how it should be. Amazing Grace.

Thank you for your endless dedication to your dharma, to this great research and development and for being able to manifest this great work into reality as a tool. Love to you both as well. karin Lloy (73 years old)

Karin's story, what really happened

I've been experiencing the Focus IQube continuously at home for over 30 days now, and the results are already nothing short of astounding. The first hour we turned it on, there was an immediate and palpable physical shift in my jaw, chest, and head. I don't know if other people would have a similar physical response or not, but this was pronounced and much more immediate than any of the your other products. It has also been accompanied by some interesting results in performance.

With my work in IT, I have successfully written quick scripts this month to automate and simplify a lot of my installation tasks. Software and concepts are coming to me much more smoothly and readily. I am also more grounded, have increased concentration, and just a greater sense of efficacy. I will start doing a task and be done before I have a chance to "think about doing it." I am just performing with less stress.

This product is unlike anything you have released thus far. I am just smarter. The benefits are measurable and immediate! Thank you for bringing this forward! I am immensely grateful for this and cannot imagine what life will be like with my brain in five years. I might need a bigger hat!

Many, Many Blessings!! I miss you guys and am celebrating your progress! -ian Burton

For the past week, I have been using the Focus IQube while studying for the GMAT (Graduate Management Admissions Test). Prior to using the IQube I took 5 practice tests over the course of 6 weeks. My scores on these five practice tests were: 530, 500, 560, 590, and 550. I then added the Focus IQube to my study regimen. I then took 2 practice tests and received a 650 a 670 and a 640, the 640 being my score on the real exam. The addition of the Focus IQube to my study program improved my focus and allowed me to study for longer hours. Additionally, my desire to take breaks decreased, and I felt as if the quality of my study sessions increased.

A quick heads up, during my first study session I felt rather anxious and was unable to concentrate. I took the rest of the day off and continued my studies the next day. The next day I felt calm and focused for the entirety of study session. I was later assured that this part of the "grounding process" and was to be expected....Mike Reilly (Mike is a goalie and has always played sports.)

Our studies have shown that a large portion of the population lack grounding. Everyone commented on the clarity and increase in power they have felt when exposed to the Focus IQube. A new found power that has stayed with them. The Focus IQube has a soothing white noise ocean wave program with our proprietary frequencies embedded.

Audio Sample of the Focus Sound Track



Helium (He) Helium has the smallest size of the inert gases. This is symbolic on the subtle levels of the inter connectivity between many beings. The collective unconscious is stimulated and brought into a state of coordination. This will generally result in the release of negativity from the day. There is a significant relief of insomnia from using helium. This is one of the key indications of when to use the helium rather than the other gases, when there is sleep difficulty. Helium has some anti-viral properties. It is quite useful when wishing to connect to the Earth. This can be valuable in the birthing process. It is the most mutable of the gases, existing not only on the physical level but able to shift into other planes of existence as well. Helium is the main substance that is used by our sun in the stepping down process of higher vibrational realities into a more 3-dimensional base. There is an increase in life force in the presence of helium.
Neon (Ne) The primary use of neon is to stimulate the root chakra and connect it to other energy sources. The root chakra is the lower energy center relating to the reproductive or digestive system. Neon will generally bring more energy into the physical body. A sense of connection to the Earth may be felt. Neon can assist individuals who are attempting to lose weight and wish to understand more about the lessons involved. It then becomes easier to stick to a diet and to understand what is involved in changing ones body image to match an internal image. The energies associated with the need to sometimes protect oneself from others may become more visible. As one becomes stronger and more aware of earth energy, there is less need for such protection. With this deeper connection to Earth, people can have a deeper awareness of the material portion of their existence. Neon is very grounding. It can be used to antidote unwanted psychic energies or bring one back into the body when one wishes. Any negative thought form dealing with sexual issues or issues of survival would be assisted by neon.
Krypton (Ke) can stimulate many psychic gifts in people. This can be quite dramatic. It will supply just the right push for people to reach the full potential of their somewhat dormant abilities. In addition, Krypton can make one more aware of negative thought forms derived from past-life energies, that tend to be mysterious. Once brought into awareness these energies can be more easily dealt with and released. These mysterious qualities are symbolized by the combination of astrological influences concerning the planets Neptune and Uranus. The signature of Krypton derives from its ability to bridge between the Argon and Xenon levels. Xenon is representative of very high and powerful energies most utilized throughout the galaxy. Argon is representative of the human life-stream and of the Earth. Krypton can clear confused mental states by bringing brain waves into greater synchronization. There can also be an improvement of memory function and a balancing of the right and left brain.

It was our desire to use the Divine Sciences to create a simple device that would help children overcome many of their learning problems. We know the brain is the master control center and yet every child is different. Why are there such differences between family members? Why does one child breeze through so easily while the other one struggles?

These questions, and many like them brought us to the Focus IQube. Success or failure depends upon ones ability to focus and the roll it plays in our life. Our approach is quick and easy, we provide the proper coherent stimulation to the brain and allow it to enter into a state of communication and self repair.

Focus IQube comes with 110/240 power systems. We use an AC adapter to run the digital players 24/7.
We created three custom Inert Noble Gas inserts for the Focus IQube.

Digital Player is pre-loaded with custom frequency programs. We modify the basic player to allow us direct access out from the storage drive. Coupling the internal drive directly to our custom amp allows us to produce perfect frequencies and waveforms.

Our Focus IQube comes with 2 bottles of Focus Water concentrate. This special water was created to carry the priority frequency information into the body while flushing toxins and providing maximum hydration.

* We reserve the right to make changes in the design and support components

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